
For generations, the flowing waters of the Pearl River have nurtured people in Guangzhou, while dragon boats have connected them with bonds of friendship.

Within the bustling city of Guangzhou, numerous river channels bear witness to the bonds forged between villages. In the Huadi River area of Liwan District, a tale of camaraderie and mutual assistance among villagers continues to resonate, bridging the "old connections" between Pun Tong Village, Chajiao Village, and Kengkou Village through the ages.

Li Kaifan, who grew up hearing his grandfather"s tales of dragon boats and paddling on the venerable "Lao Long (old dragon boat)" of Pun Tong, carries on the spirit of friendship through dragon boats. According to Li Kaifan, "Dragon boat racing is not only a folk sport but also a means of bringing together neighboring villages. Through dragon boat races, we establish connections, foster friendship, and uphold the traditional cultural spirit of dragon boat heritage that has been cherished by generations of Guangzhou people."

【龙腾鼓粤】视频|荔湾泮塘以“龙”会友一脉珠江水,孕育广府地区的世世代代,一艘艘龙船联结着友好情谊。广州市区内的多条河涌,见证着各村之间的交情。在荔湾区的花地河片区,一段村民之间义气互助的故事至今仍在流传,牵起了泮塘村和茶滘村、坑口村之间的“老世情”,即世代相交。从小听着爷爷讲述龙船故事、划着泮塘“老龙”长大的李凯帆,和村中长辈们延续着以“龙”会友的精神。李凯帆认为:“划龙船不仅是一项民间运动,还是团结周边乡村的活动方式。通过划龙船,彼此之间建立联系,促进友好,也是我们世世代代需要传承的龙船传统文化精神。”文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 马思泳图、视频|羊城晚报全媒体记者 陈秋明海报|蔡红翻译|刘佳慧来源|羊城晚报·羊城派责编|王瑜瑛校对|彭继业
