

SM64 ROM Hack made by Marco


The Stars: (the actual titles are in german so I'll just give you a general idea)

[S1] Sprint vs. Koopa 0:01

[S2] 8 Red Coins 0:57

[S3] Guarded by the Bullies 4:18

[S4] 5 Secrets 5:37

[S5] Bob-omb's Reward 7:45

[S6] Climb the Fortress 9:05

100 Coin Star 12:16

An intriguing old school hack with a mess of a difficulty curve!

To start off, Star 1 is one of the easiest Koopa races ever.

Next is Star 2, the red coins, which makes you explore more of the outside area. It's a pretty easy star too once you know the location of all the coins but finding the last one (on the "mud pile") took me ages.

Even after I found it I still needed outside help to understand how to collect it because it's extremely precise. (Big thanks to Ap616 for the strat!)

Stars 3 & 5 are found on the lava depths of the fortress which can be accessed with the shell. The only hard part of this is the precise chain long jump required to enter the fortress which needs to be followed by a well timed jump to avoid the fire.

Star 4, secrets, combines outside exploration and going to the lava tunnels. Pretty accessible like everything else so far.

Now comes the difficulty spike... Star 6 has you finally climbing the fortress. For this you will have to do a required firsty jump, followed by a triple jump wallkick with whacky camera, followed by another precise chain long jump to finally reach the outside section.

This sequence of jumps was very tough for me at first and I only got past it 2 or 3 times in over 1 hour of attempts. After that you need to precisely positon yourself on top of the slanted platform to then wallkick onto the very top (I did frame-walking for this).

At last, the 100 coin mission, which is by far the hardest star here. The reason for this is that there are exactly 100 coins in the entire level!

You have to climb the fortress inside just like for Star 6 plus climb around the fortress outside for the coins along it (this isn't too bad apart from a tricky triple jump dive). Then it's time to get all of the coins outside, the chill part of the star. Once this is done (95 coins) all that's left to do is kill and collect the coins of the 5 bullies located inside, on the platform with Star 3. And yes this means doing the precise long jump to enter the fortress again (died once to it). Once at the bullies you have to nudge them carefully off the platform while riding the shell so if you miss a coin and it goes to the lava it's all over. Sadly this happened to me twice!

On my 2nd session of grinding this I was getting past the nasty jump sequence a lot more so I got many good attempts in about 1 hour only. In total this star took me a bit over 3 hours.

Despite this ROM hack being hard and a bit unfair at times I still found some enjoyment in completing it. However it isn't by any chance a great SM64 work and I don't recommend it unless you're up for a challenge!
